accessLimitations |
Data access limitations, as defined in the GA4GH Data Use Ontology (DUO; can ... |
accessRequirements |
Data access requirements, as defined in the GA4GH Data Use Ontology (DUO; can... |
acknowledgments |
Funding statement and acknowledgments for this study |
ageAtBiospecimenCollection |
Age in days of participant at time of biospecimen collection |
ageAtConditionMeasureObservation |
Age in days at which Condition or Measure was observed, recorded, or diagnose... |
ageAtFirstPatientEngagement |
Age in days of Participant at first recorded study event (enrollment, visit, ... |
ageAtLastVitalStatus |
Age in days when participant's vital status was last recorded |
biospecimenStorage |
Method by which Container is stored (e |
citationStatement |
Statement that secondary data users should use to acknowledge use of this dat... |
clinicalDataSourceType |
Source(s) of data collected from study participants; pipe-separated if multip... |
collectionExternalId |
Identifier for the eldest sample in a lineage of processed, pooled, or aliquo... |
collectionGlobalId |
INCLUDE global identifier for the eldest sample in a lineage, assigned by DCC |
collectionSampleType |
Type of biological material comprising the Collected Sample (e |
concentration |
Concentration of sample in container |
concentrationUnit |
Unit of sample concentration |
conditionDataSource |
Whether Condition information was obtained by the investigator or reported by... |
conditionInterpretation |
Whether Condition was observed or not |
conditionMeasureSourceText |
Co-occurring Condition (phenotype or diagnosis) or Measure (observation with ... |
conditionStatus |
Whether the Condition is ongoing, has been resolved, or this is a general his... |
containerAvailability |
Whether or not the specific Container is potentially available for sharing th... |
containerExternalId |
Identifier for specific container/aliquot of sample, assigned by data contrib... |
containerGlobalId |
INCLUDE global identifier for specific container/aliquot of sample, assigned ... |
dataAccess |
Type of access control on this file, determined by DCC |
dataCategory |
dataCollectionEndYear |
Year that data collection ended |
dataCollectionStartYear |
Year that data collection started |
datasetDescription |
Brief additional notes about the dataset (1-3 sentences) that are not already... |
datasetExternalId |
Unique identifier or code for dataset, if provided by contributor |
datasetGlobalId |
Unique Global ID for dataset, generated by DCC |
datasetManifestLocation |
Location of associated Dataset Manifest |
datasetName |
Full name of the dataset, provided by contributor |
dataType |
dbgap |
downSyndromeStatus |
Down Syndrome status of participant |
drsUri |
Data Repository Services API Uniform Resource Identifier |
ethnicity |
Ethnicity of Participant |
eventId |
Identifier for event (Visit, Survey completion, Sample collection, etc |
eventType |
Type of event for which Event ID is given (Visit, Survey completion, Sample c... |
expectedNumberOfFiles |
Expected number of files associated with this dataset, including dictionaries |
expectedNumberOfParticipants |
experimentalPlatform |
Specific platform used to perform experiment; pipe-separated if multiple (e |
experimentalStrategy |
familyId |
Unique identifer for family to which Participant belongs, assigned by data co... |
familyRelationship |
Relationship of Participant to proband |
familyType |
Structure of family members participating in the study |
fatherId |
Participant External ID for Participant's father (NA if Participant is not th... |
fileFormat |
Format of file (e |
fileGlobalId |
INCLUDE global file identifier, assigned by DCC |
fileHash |
md5 hash of this file for validation (if known) |
fileName |
Name of file, assigned by data contributor |
fileS3Location |
S3 bucket location of file; also serves as dewrangle descriptor |
fileSize |
Size of file, if known (mainly important if large) |
fileSizeUnit |
Unit of file size |
fileUploadLocation |
Where source file was uploaded, if not directly to an S3 bucket (e |
firstPatientEngagementEvent |
Event for which Age at First Patient Engagement is given (e |
guidMapped |
For studies using NDAR GUIDs, have the GUIDs been added to the INCLUDE GUID M... |
guidType |
System used to generate globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) |
hpoCode |
Code for Condition in the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) |
hpoLabel |
Label for Condition in the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) |
isHarmonized |
All of the elements in this Dataset are harmonized and available in the INCLU... |
laboratoryProcedure |
Procedure by which Sample was derived from Parent Sample (e |
maxoCode |
Code for condition in the Medical Action Ontology (MAXO) |
maxoLabel |
Label for Condition in the Medical Action Ontology (MAXO) |
measureUnit |
Unit that is associated with Measure Value (e |
measureValue |
Numeric value of Measure |
mondoCode |
Code for Condition in the Mondo Disease Ontology (Mondo) |
mondoLabel |
Label for Condition in the Mondo Disease Ontology (MONDO) |
motherId |
Participant External ID for Participant's mother (NA if Participant is not th... |
otherAccessAuthority |
Email or URL for dataset's Access Authority, if not dbGaP |
otherCode |
Code for Condition in another ontology (if no match in HPO, MONDO, or MAXO) |
otherFamilyMemberId |
Participant External ID for Participant's other family members (NA if Partici... |
otherLabel |
Label for Condition in another ontology (if no match in HPO, MONDO, or MAXO) |
otherRepository |
URL if dataset is already deposited in a public repository other than dbGaP (... |
outcomesVitalStatus |
Whether participant is alive or dead |
parentSampleExternalId |
Identifier for the direct parent from which Sample was derived, processed, po... |
parentSampleGlobalId |
INCLUDE global identifier for the direct parent from which Sample was derived... |
parentSampleType |
Type of biological material comprising the Parent Sample (e |
participantExternalId |
Unique, de-identified identifier for the participant, assigned by data contri... |
participantGlobalId |
Unique INCLUDE global identifier for the participant, assigned by DCC |
participantLifespanStage |
Focus age group(s) of the study population; pipe-separated if multiple |
principalInvestigatorName |
Name(s) of Principal Investigator(s) of this study; pipe-separated if multipl... |
program |
Funding source(s) for the study (pipe-separated if multiple) |
publication |
race |
Race of Participant |
researchDomain |
Main research domain(s) of the study, other than Down syndrome; pipe-separate... |
sampleAvailability |
Whether or not the Sample (any Container thereof) is potentially available fo... |
sampleExternalId |
Unique identifier for sample, assigned by data contributor |
sampleGlobalId |
INCLUDE global identifier for sample, assigned by DCC |
sampleType |
Type of biological material comprising the Sample (e |
selectionCriteria |
Brief description of inclusion and/or exclusion criteria for the study |
sex |
Sex of Participant |
siblingId |
Participant External ID for Participant's sibling(s) (NA if Participant is no... |
studyCode |
Unique identifier for the study (generally a short acronym) |
studyContactEmail |
Email address of contact person for this study; pipe-separated if multiple |
studyContactInstitution |
Institution of contact person for this study; pipe-separated if multiple |
studyContactName |
Name of contact person for this study; pipe-separated if multiple |
studyDescription |
Brief description of the study (2-4 sentences) |
studyDesign |
Overall design of study, including whether it is longitudinal and whether fam... |
studyTitle |
Full title of the study |
studyWebsite |
Website for the study |
vbrEmail |
Email address for Virtual Biorepository requests/inquiries, if participating |
vbrReadme |
Instructions for contacting or requesting samples from Virtual Biorepository,... |
vbrUrl |
Link to Virtual Biorepository request form, if participating |
volume |
Amount of sample in container |
volumeUnit |
Unit of sample volume |