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Name: include-schema


Class Description
Thing Highest Level Class
        Biospecimen A Biospecimen Collected from A Participant
        Condition Co-occurring conditions and other observations for the participant
        DataFile Metadata about Data Files
        Dataset Information about a specific grouping of data files
        DatasetManifest Mapping information for files in Dataset
        Participant Demographic and clinical information about the participant
        Study General information about the study


Slot Description
accessLimitations Data access limitations, as defined in the GA4GH Data Use Ontology (DUO; can ...
accessRequirements Data access requirements, as defined in the GA4GH Data Use Ontology (DUO; can...
acknowledgments Funding statement and acknowledgments for this study
ageAtBiospecimenCollection Age in days of participant at time of biospecimen collection
ageAtConditionMeasureObservation Age in days at which Condition or Measure was observed, recorded, or diagnose...
ageAtFirstPatientEngagement Age in days of Participant at first recorded study event (enrollment, visit, ...
ageAtLastVitalStatus Age in days when participant's vital status was last recorded
biospecimenStorage Method by which Container is stored (e
citationStatement Statement that secondary data users should use to acknowledge use of this dat...
clinicalDataSourceType Source(s) of data collected from study participants; pipe-separated if multip...
collectionExternalId Identifier for the eldest sample in a lineage of processed, pooled, or aliquo...
collectionGlobalId INCLUDE global identifier for the eldest sample in a lineage, assigned by DCC
collectionSampleType Type of biological material comprising the Collected Sample (e
concentration Concentration of sample in container
concentrationUnit Unit of sample concentration
conditionDataSource Whether Condition information was obtained by the investigator or reported by...
conditionInterpretation Whether Condition was observed or not
conditionMeasureSourceText Co-occurring Condition (phenotype or diagnosis) or Measure (observation with ...
conditionStatus Whether the Condition is ongoing, has been resolved, or this is a general his...
containerAvailability Whether or not the specific Container is potentially available for sharing th...
containerExternalId Identifier for specific container/aliquot of sample, assigned by data contrib...
containerGlobalId INCLUDE global identifier for specific container/aliquot of sample, assigned ...
dataAccess Type of access control on this file, determined by DCC
dataCollectionEndYear Year that data collection ended
dataCollectionStartYear Year that data collection started
datasetDescription Brief additional notes about the dataset (1-3 sentences) that are not already...
datasetExternalId Unique identifier or code for dataset, if provided by contributor
datasetGlobalId Unique Global ID for dataset, generated by DCC
datasetManifestLocation Location of associated Dataset Manifest
datasetName Full name of the dataset, provided by contributor
downSyndromeStatus Down Syndrome status of participant
drsUri Data Repository Services API Uniform Resource Identifier
ethnicity Ethnicity of Participant
eventId Identifier for event (Visit, Survey completion, Sample collection, etc
eventType Type of event for which Event ID is given (Visit, Survey completion, Sample c...
expectedNumberOfFiles Expected number of files associated with this dataset, including dictionaries
experimentalPlatform Specific platform used to perform experiment; pipe-separated if multiple (e
familyId Unique identifer for family to which Participant belongs, assigned by data co...
familyRelationship Relationship of Participant to proband
familyType Structure of family members participating in the study
fatherId Participant External ID for Participant's father (NA if Participant is not th...
fileFormat Format of file (e
fileGlobalId INCLUDE global file identifier, assigned by DCC
fileHash md5 hash of this file for validation (if known)
fileName Name of file, assigned by data contributor
fileS3Location S3 bucket location of file; also serves as dewrangle descriptor
fileSize Size of file, if known (mainly important if large)
fileSizeUnit Unit of file size
fileUploadLocation Where source file was uploaded, if not directly to an S3 bucket (e
firstPatientEngagementEvent Event for which Age at First Patient Engagement is given (e
guidMapped For studies using NDAR GUIDs, have the GUIDs been added to the INCLUDE GUID M...
guidType System used to generate globally unique identifiers (GUIDs)
hpoCode Code for Condition in the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO)
hpoLabel Label for Condition in the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO)
isHarmonized All of the elements in this Dataset are harmonized and available in the INCLU...
laboratoryProcedure Procedure by which Sample was derived from Parent Sample (e
maxoCode Code for condition in the Medical Action Ontology (MAXO)
maxoLabel Label for Condition in the Medical Action Ontology (MAXO)
measureUnit Unit that is associated with Measure Value (e
measureValue Numeric value of Measure
mondoCode Code for Condition in the Mondo Disease Ontology (Mondo)
mondoLabel Label for Condition in the Mondo Disease Ontology (MONDO)
motherId Participant External ID for Participant's mother (NA if Participant is not th...
otherAccessAuthority Email or URL for dataset's Access Authority, if not dbGaP
otherCode Code for Condition in another ontology (if no match in HPO, MONDO, or MAXO)
otherFamilyMemberId Participant External ID for Participant's other family members (NA if Partici...
otherLabel Label for Condition in another ontology (if no match in HPO, MONDO, or MAXO)
otherRepository URL if dataset is already deposited in a public repository other than dbGaP (...
outcomesVitalStatus Whether participant is alive or dead
parentSampleExternalId Identifier for the direct parent from which Sample was derived, processed, po...
parentSampleGlobalId INCLUDE global identifier for the direct parent from which Sample was derived...
parentSampleType Type of biological material comprising the Parent Sample (e
participantExternalId Unique, de-identified identifier for the participant, assigned by data contri...
participantGlobalId Unique INCLUDE global identifier for the participant, assigned by DCC
participantLifespanStage Focus age group(s) of the study population; pipe-separated if multiple
principalInvestigatorName Name(s) of Principal Investigator(s) of this study; pipe-separated if multipl...
program Funding source(s) for the study (pipe-separated if multiple)
race Race of Participant
researchDomain Main research domain(s) of the study, other than Down syndrome; pipe-separate...
sampleAvailability Whether or not the Sample (any Container thereof) is potentially available fo...
sampleExternalId Unique identifier for sample, assigned by data contributor
sampleGlobalId INCLUDE global identifier for sample, assigned by DCC
sampleType Type of biological material comprising the Sample (e
selectionCriteria Brief description of inclusion and/or exclusion criteria for the study
sex Sex of Participant
siblingId Participant External ID for Participant's sibling(s) (NA if Participant is no...
studyCode Unique identifier for the study (generally a short acronym)
studyContactEmail Email address of contact person for this study; pipe-separated if multiple
studyContactInstitution Institution of contact person for this study; pipe-separated if multiple
studyContactName Name of contact person for this study; pipe-separated if multiple
studyDescription Brief description of the study (2-4 sentences)
studyDesign Overall design of study, including whether it is longitudinal and whether fam...
studyTitle Full title of the study
studyWebsite Website for the study
vbrEmail Email address for Virtual Biorepository requests/inquiries, if participating
vbrReadme Instructions for contacting or requesting samples from Virtual Biorepository,...
vbrUrl Link to Virtual Biorepository request form, if participating
volume Amount of sample in container
volumeUnit Unit of sample volume


Enumeration Description


Type Description
Boolean A binary (true or false) value
Curie a compact URI
Date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
Datetime The combination of a date and time
Decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
Double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
Float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
Integer An integer
Jsonpath A string encoding a JSON Path
Jsonpointer A string encoding a JSON Pointer
Ncname Prefix part of CURIE
Nodeidentifier A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
Objectidentifier A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
Sparqlpath A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path
String A character string
Time A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
Uri a complete URI
Uriorcurie a URI or a CURIE


Subset Description